Today, we are pleased to announce the release of MauiKit and Maui Apps 1.1.1!.
Are you a developer and want to start developing cross-platform and convergent apps, targeting, among other things, the upcoming Linux mobile devices? Then join us on Telegram: If you are interested in testing this project and helping out with translations or documentation, you are also more than welcome.
The Maui Project is free and open-source software incubated by the KDE Community and developed by Nitrux Latinoamericana.
We are present on Twitter and Mastodon:
- Delegate templates that are checkable the checkbox is more uniform, not affected by different heights on the ‘listitemtemplate’ delegates.
- If ‘toolactions’ are marked as not checkable, then do not have a check state on the button or menu item representation.
- The sidebar correctly has the height and y positioning depending if the primary header is altered and in the bottom.
- Qt integration issues with 5.13 for Android.
- The settings dialog better scrolling.
- Loads batches of 5000 files before refreshing the gallery.
- Use web view on Android and lynx and WebKit for windows for watching videos.
- The progress bar slider was not interactive; it is fixed now.
- Ignore the split views option for small screens.
- Use web view on Android and Linux and WebKit for windows for viewing and saving links.
The packages are distributed directly from the MauiKit official webpage.