Maui Report 20 2 years ago

Today, we bring you a new quick report on the Maui Project’s progress before new years eve.

Maui 2.2.1 was released almost one month ago, and since then, new features, bug fixes, and improvements have been made to the Maui set of apps and frameworks; the following blog post will cover some of the changes and highlights building up to the upcoming stable release.

What’s new?

Among many bug fixes that will be listed below, some of the highlights include a refactor cleanup of the Cask components, such as the window Chrome and the CaskServer interfaces. In parallel, there are tweaks and improvements for the MauiKit Frameworks and new features such as OCR support for the ImageTools framework.


Maui Shell

Maui Shell is the main focus of this new release cycle. So far the work has been focused on refactoring and cleaning up the source code to get ready for the Qt6 migration.

The Maui Shell session received a few fixes needed to correctly launch the session and register the XDG_SESSION_NAME env var.


The Chrome interface that allows apps to interact with how Cask draws the window border, shadows and translucency have been improved for broadcasting live changes in these properties.


  • The drop shadows requested via the CaskServer are now updated when the radius of the CSD window changes.
  • The Chrome component was refactored and split into subcomponents.
  • The fullscreen state requested by the surfaces is now supported.
  • Clean up old sources.

MauiMan & Maui Settings & MauiCore

Initial work has been started to bring the MauiCore plugins to be used in Maui Settings modules, such as Network, Bluetooth, Sound, and Power. And with the upcoming Maui Shell 0.6.0 update release, Maui Setting should be much closer to an initial stable release.

Maui Apps

Now all apps that work on Android have been updated to use the new AndroidX API, instead of the old deprecated one. And some apps are getting some required attention to complete the missing features, such as Bonsai and Strike.

And with fixes coming to the MauiKit Frameworks, other apps will immediately benefit from it, such as Agenda with better events handling support and Pix with OCR features.


  • Can now perform searches by reading the image text with OCR.
  • Added a new option to extract text from the images.


Will Chen has made a few fixes that include:

  • A new set of keyboard shortcuts for desktop usage and a shortcuts dialog were added.
  • Drag-able window in focus view.
  • Put on Queue now works as Play next.
  • The previous-track action now navigates the playing history.

Era – New!

Era is a new Maui App! It is a clocks app and should be ready for its initial release in the next Maui Apps release cycle, joining new apps such as Arca, Booth, and others.

  • World clock initial work.
  • Initial Stopwatch work is taken from Epoka.


  • The clone dialog is now working again.
  • Pull action initial work.


  • The header bar UI has been reviewed and now is better organized.
  • The file menu is now located at the tab button, following the Nota design.

MauiKit Frameworks


  • Tweaked CSD window control styles for better sizing.
  • Android integration now uses AndroidX API instead of the old one.
  • Do not show empty sections in the AboutDialog.
  • Enforce a MauiMan version for dependency.
  • Read the Android light or dark system-wide preference.
  • Tweak to ToolButton’s arrow indicator spacing.
  • The Holder title message now wraps.
  • The Slider style now has a hover state for the handle.
  • Correctly connect to CaskServer to request drop shadows for Maui apps using CSD.
  • Migrate away from borders in disabled states.
  • TextFields now exposes its layout property for positioning items.
  • Formatting large sizes have been fixed.
  • Do not show maximize buttons if the window constraints do not allow it to be resized – for CSD.


  • OCR initial work has been added with new controls.


  • Fix the linking issue with the wrong usage of private KI18n


  • Clock and Time-related controls have been added to be used in Epoka.

Porting to Qt6

There are now plans to start porting all of the projects into Qt6, starting with MauiMan and MauiKit Frameworks.

More information on the migration progress will be shared by the end of January 2023. Until then happy new year to everybody!


To follow the Maui Project’s development or say hi, you can join us on Telegram:

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New release schedule


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