Today, we bring you a new report on the Maui Project’s progress.
Maui 2.1 was released almost two months ago, and since then new features, bug fixes, and improvements have been made to the Maui set of apps and frameworks; the following blog post will cover some of the changes and highlights from the last month of development.
What’s new?
Among many bug fixes that will be listed below, some of the highlights include the dark mode toggle option for Android, styling cleanups, and UX interaction animations.
Most of the updates were concentrated on the MauiKit Frameworks, which received paper cut fixes, animations, and upgrades.
MauiKit Core controls such as the SelectionBar, TabView, delegates, and other components now have smooth animations; the implementation of custom controls such as ContextualMenu, Dialogs, browser views, Page, etc, have a more clean implementation, and the delegate templates expose more sizing options.
MauiKit CSD now has a new “style” named Dynamic, which instead of using custom assets for the buttons, uses KDecoration thanks to the work from psifidotos.
On the Dialogs and TabButtons, the close button is now positioned on the right side, for consistency.
The Maui Style received fixes for more states, such as flat, highlighted, hovered, etc. And support for a custom Theme for Kirigami was added, enabling it to have dark and light mode variants.
The Luv icons were updated to the latest changes in master, now all Maui Apps use their latest revision.
MauiKit now supports the newly introduced custom accent color from Plasma and uses more extensively the color scheme palette, so now most items use an opaque color with a readable text color depending on its highlight or hover state.

Light and Dark modes on Android.
The MauiKit Core model template now has support for moving items, this is shown in Vvave’s main playlist, which now can be reorganized by DnD.
For the Android builds, Kirigami was upgraded to the latest stable release, the same for the KF5 frameworks.
MauiKit Filebrowsing adds support for more video formats, such as FLV and MOV.
You can now re-organize the main playlist on Vvave by dragging and dropping. Issues with setting the right album art for MPRIS were fixed.
Index has been updated to the latest KF5 Frameworks, clearing all deprecation warnings and can now be built on FreeBSD correctly.
Pix, Nota, Clip, Buho, and all other Maui Apps were upgraded to all the latest MauiKit changes, and small fixes were made here and there for all of them.
MauiKit Frameworks and Maui Apps 2.1.1 is scheduled for February.
To follow the Maui Project’s development or say hi, you can join us on Telegram:
We are present on Twitter and Mastodon:
Release date | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
February | 1.2.1 | 2.1.1 | 2.2.2 |
May | 1.2.2 | 2.1.2 | 3.0.0 |
August | 2.0.0 | 2.2.0 | 3.1.0 |
November | 2.1.0 | 2.2.1 | 3.1.1 |
A quick reminder of the project near future goals:
- More feature-rich applications. [In Progress]
- Improve data synchronization using NextCloud. [Pending]
- Improve performance. [In progress]
- Move beta apps to stable. [In Progress]
- Shelf and Clip have been moved to stable, missing the Sol, NX SC, Booth, Strike, Bonsai
- Shelf and Clip have been moved to stable, missing the Sol, NX SC, Booth, Strike, Bonsai
warkov says:
Wow! It’s really cool ?
How can I build android app with MauiKit frontend?
knah says:
I noticed a way to boot up into a desktop with Maui but is there a way to put it on a phone (like the pinephone) yet? Because I would love to play around with this and help report bugs and whatnot.