Maui Report 4 4 years ago

Today, we bring you a new report on the Maui Project progress.

Are you a developer and want to start developing cross-platform and convergent apps, targeting, among other things, the upcoming Linux Mobile devices? Then join us on Telegram:

If you are interested in testing this project and helping out with translations or documentation, you are also more than welcome.

The Maui Project is free software from the KDE Community developed by the Nitrux team.
This post contains some code snippets to give you an idea of how to use MauiKit. For more detailed documentation, get in touch with us or subscribe to the news feed to keep up to date with the upcoming tutorial.

We are present on Twitter and Mastodon:

MauiKit Controls


New properties have been added for better controlling the layout of the toolbar: farLeftContent and farRightContent. The two new features work like the previous leftContent, middleContent, rightContent.

By default, the items inside the toolbar will be placed from left to right using the leftContent property, is no positioning is explicitly used.


The Page component features involving the toolbars: floating and auto-hiding have been improved. The floating properties remain auto exclusive from the pullback toolbar, meaning a toolbar can be either pullback or be floating, but not both.

New features were added to support the same header behavior for the footer:  autohideFooter and floatingFooter, and also new features for better controlling the floating and auto-hiding actions:  autohideFooterMargins and autohideHeaderMargins, autohideFooterDelay, autohideHeaderDelay, etc.


The doodle component has been added and has basic features and still is work on progress, what is it? It allows us to grab an image source or UI item to an image to be able to add doodles and annotations; this can be later on saved as images or just extract the doodles and process those as notes or whatever.

It is being used for testing purposes on Pix to doodle on pictures, on Library to doodle over PDF, and finally on Nota to doodle over text files. It can be expanded and support iPad and tablets with stylus and so on.


The TabBar is now scrollable by a mouse wheel on desktops when the number of tabs does not fit the available width.



I am testing the new doodle component.

All clickable items now respect the single click property from the system.

A detailed view was added by using the MauiKit control AltBrowser, which allows switching between a grid and a list view.

Below is a video showing Pix using MauiKit Pages with auto-hiding and floating toolbars and the new details view.


Cinema is a new video player and collection manager. The app development will be documented in a series of tutorials.

You can follow the tutorial here. A first post has been published at:


All the clickable items now respect the system single-click property.


The split views handles are now more clear and easy to discover for resizing the split views.


Now each tab with the editor can have its embedded terminal. This increases productivity when using nota for hacking

In Progress

CSD is being tested on Station, Buho and Vvave

The implementation for drawing the window controls correctly based on the system for integration is going to be refactored by making use of psifidotos work; you can read about it here:


The optional CSD property is now being loaded from a global config file at  ~/.config/org.kde.maui/mauiproject.conf with group GLOBAl and key CSD(bool). It can still be overridden by the app, forcing to use CSD or not.

Doodles for iPad and other tablets with a stylus or pencil, for quick taking notes and share them, the doodle can take an image as the source or an item that get captured as an image: the doodle and the source can be converted and saved into an image or just take the doodle to do whatever like image processing to extract the text and save it as plain text(for class notes, etc.)

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