Tag: pinephone

Maui 2.1.1 Release 3 years ago

  We are pleased to announce a new stable release of MauiKit Frameworks and Maui Apps!   Stable release This version of Maui brings new features and bug fixes to Maui’s applications and the frameworks they rely on. …

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Maui Report 17 3 years ago

  Today, we bring you a new report on the Maui Project’s progress. Maui 2.1 was released almost two months ago, and since then new features, bug fixes, and improvements have been made to the Maui set of …

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Maui 2.1.0 Release 3 years ago

We are pleased to announce a new stable release of MauiKit Frameworks and Maui Apps! Stable release This version of Maui brings new features and bug fixes to Maui’s applications and the frameworks they rely on. The changes …

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Maui Report 16 3 years ago

Today, we bring you a new report on the Maui Project’s progress. Maui 2.0 was released almost four months ago, and since then new features, bug fixes, and improvements have been made to the Maui set of apps …

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Maui Report - 15 3 years ago

Today, we bring you a new report on the Maui Project’s progress. Maui 2 was released a month ago, and since then new features, bug fixes, and improvements have been made to the Maui set of apps and …

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Maui 2 Release 3 years ago

We are pleased to announce a new stable release of MauiKit Frameworks and Maui Apps! Stable release This version of Maui brings new features and bug fixes to Maui’s applications and the frameworks they rely on. The changes …

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Maui Report 14 3 years ago

Today, we bring you a new report on the Maui Project’s progress. The stable release scheduled just a few weeks away will be the last progress report listing essential changes. The following blog post will announce the stable …

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Maui Report 13 3 years ago

Today, we bring you a new report on the Maui Project’s progress. We are a month away from the upcoming 2.0 release, and this blog post is a quick overview of things coming to the next stable release. …

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Maui Report 12 3 years ago

Today, we bring you a new report on the Maui Project’s progress. A month ago, we had our 1.2.2 stable release, and since then, we have been working on getting everything ready for the next big release, 2.0. …

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Maui 1.2.2 Release 3 years ago

We are pleased to announce a new stable release of MauiKit and Maui Apps! Stable release This version of Maui brings new features and bug fixes to Maui’s applications and the frameworks they rely on. The changes introduced …

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